Results for 'Fikry Prastya Syahputra'

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    Penggunaan media sosial Dan kemarahan religius dalam kasus pembakaran vihara di kota tanjung balai, indonesia.Iswandi Syahputra - 2018 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 13 (1):149-172.
    Public activities carried out on social media may trigger religious identity based social riot. Such social unrest is observed to have surfaced initially as religious rage channeled via social media. It is, indeed, a fact that various issues on religion, which is regarded as sacred, hallowed, and revered, are discussed freely on social media, and it may very easily incite social turbulence. In the case of vihara burning and rioting in the city of Tanjung Balai, North Sumatera, Indonesia, a social (...)
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    Sezai Karakoç'un Şiirlerinde Medeniyet Şehri İstanbul'un Tarihî ve Manevi Unsurl.Fikri Kula - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 10):397-397.
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    Inscription of Uyuk-Arjan.Osman Fikri Sertkaya - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:27-34.
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  4. Rethought Forms: How Do They Work?Necip Fikri Alican - 2014 - Arctos: Acta Philologica Fennica 48: 25–55.
    This article is a critical evaluation of Holger Thesleff’s thinking on Plato’s Forms. The emphasis is, more specifically, on his “rethinking” of the matter, as he puts it in the title of his most recent contribution (Alican and Thesleff 2013: “Rethinking Plato’s Forms”). The general aim is to launch the academic reception of that bold intervention in Plato scholarship, which Thesleff cautiously positions a modest proposal — his trademark teaser to elicit a reaction, positive or negative. Representing a sympathetic perspective, (...)
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  5. Rethinking Plato: A Cartesian Quest for the Real Plato.Necip Fikri Alican - 2012 - Amsterdam and New York: Brill | Rodopi.
    Rethinking Plato: A Cartesian Quest for the Real Plato is a quest for the real Plato, forever hiding behind the veil of drama. The quest, as the subtitle indicates, is Cartesian in that it looks for Plato independently of the prevailing paradigms on where we are supposed to find him. The result of the quest is a complete pedagogical platform on Plato. This does not mean that the book leaves nothing out, covering all the dialogues and all the themes, but (...)
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  6. A Horse Is a Horse, of Course, of Course, but What About Horseness?Necip Fikri Alican - 2015 - In Debra Nails & Harold Tarrant, Second Sailing: Alternative Perspectives on Plato. Societas Scientiarum Fennica. pp. 307–324.
    This essay is a meditation on the philosophical preconceptions shaping the reception of Plato’s metaphysics. The central focus is on the dualism of a world of Forms existing separately from the world we know. The overarching aim is to explore the motivation for postulating that second world instead of making do with the one we have. While the approach is indeed exploratory, the underlying suspicion is that everything, Forms and all, belongs in the same world. The goal is not to (...)
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    Critical reflections on the language of neoliberalism in education: Dangerous words and discourses of possibility: edited by S. Themelis, New York: Routledge, 2021, USD44.05 (e-book), ISBN: 9781003111580. [REVIEW]Fikri Yanda, Melita Sari Purba & Dian Setiawati - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (12):2147-2149.
    Neoliberal forces have been hijacking a number of linguistic features so as to ease their way to exploiting education for their own ends. Words such as ability and employability, which are now beco...
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  8. Kant's Neglected Alternative: Neither Neglected nor an Alternative.Necip Fikri Alican - 2017 - Philosophical Forum 48 (1):69–90.
    This article is a defense of Immanuel Kant against the allegedly neglected alternative in his formulation of transcendental idealism. What sets it apart from other contributions toward the same end is the grounding construction of an interpretive framework — a faithful reconstruction of the one Kant himself provides for transcendental idealism — as opposed to the ad hoc development of a defensive strategy for refuting the charges. The promise, then, is comprehensive clarification instead of pointed rebuttal. The difference is between (...)
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  9. Mill's Principle of Utility: A Defense of John Stuart Mill's Notorious Proof.Necip Fikri Alican - 1994 - Amsterdam and Atlanta: Brill | Rodopi.
    Mill’s Principle of Utility: A Defense of John Stuart Mill’s Notorious Proof is a defense of John Stuart Mill’s proof of the principle of utility in the fourth chapter of his Utilitarianism. The proof is notorious as an allegedly fallacious attempt by a prominent philosopher who ought not to have made the elementary mistakes he is supposed to have made. This book shows that he did not. The aim is neither to glorify utilitarianism as a normative ethical theory nor to (...)
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    The impacts of neoliberal discourse and language in education: Critical perspectives on a rhetoric of equality, well-being, and justice, edited by Mitja Sardoc, Routledge, 2021, USD44.05 (e-book), ISBN 9780367815172. [REVIEW]Fikri Yanda, Intan Pertiwi & Aji Budi Rinekso - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (12):2149-2151.
    Neoliberalism denotes the application of market principles to social phenomena and has impacted every aspect of life since the 1970s, including the educational domain (Harvey, 2005). The Impacts of...
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  11. The practice of defensive medicine among hospital doctors in the United Kingdom.Osman Ortashi, Jaspal Virdee, Rudaina Hassan, Tomasz Mutrynowski & Fikri Abu-Zidan - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):42.
    Defensive medicine is defined as a doctor’s deviation from standard practice to reduce or prevent complaints or criticism. The objectives of this study were to assess the prevalence of the practice of defensive medicine in the UK among hospital doctors and the factors affecting it.
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  12. One Over Many: The Unitary Pluralism of Plato's World.Necip Fikri Alican - 2021 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    One over Many: The Unitary Pluralism of Plato’s World is a tightly integrated collection of essays by the author, some newly drafted for the present work, some previously published as journal articles, all conceived and developed in pursuit of corrective intervention in Plato’s metaphysics. The book replaces the standard view of Plato as a metaphysical dualist with an alternative interpretation providing greater explanatory power through the paradigm of unitary pluralism in a single reality built on ontological diversity.
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  13. Mill's principle of utility: origins, proof, and implications.Necip Fikri Alican - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    This book is a defense of John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism with a particular emphasis on his proof of the principle of utility. The overarching aim of the book is the vindication of Mill's reasoning in the proof and the restoration of his reputation as one of the clearest thinkers of his time.
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    On Arabic: A Nineteenth Century Tract.James A. Bellamy, Amīn Fikrī, Khalil I. Semaan & Amin Fikri - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):135.
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    The Socio-Cultural Roots of Religious Moderation in Indonesia: A Case Study of Palembang and Lampung, Southern Sumatra.Mohammad Syawaludin & Muh Sirojuddin Fikri - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:14-30.
    This article examines the behavior of religious moderation in Indonesia, concerning local wisdom, social, cultural, and spiritual traditions. A phenomenological approach utilizing Parsons' structural functionalism theory identifies two generic concepts of structural functionalism: the system, function, and culture. These concepts facilitate interactions between actors and personalities, as well as unifying social systems. Culture can and does act as a component of other systemother systemss. The central argument in this article is that the concept of religious moderation, as observed in Palembang (...)
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  16. Rethinking Plato’s Forms.Necip Fikri Alican & Holger Thesleff - 2013 - Arctos: Acta Philologica Fennica 47:11–47.
    This article is a proposal for retracing the main lines of Plato’s thought, doubling as a roadmap for reconsidering the formative features of his world, including the proprietary stock of conceptual tools he uses for building and maintaining it. Developing an alternative interpretation of his philosophical vision, the central focus is on what he does with the Forms. The guiding paradigm is the unitary pluralism of a hierarchically structured universe comprising interdependent levels of reality as a substitute for the traditional (...)
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    What a Wonderful World: The Metaphysical Monism of Plato Under the Two-Level Model of Holger Thesleff.Necip Fikri Alican - 2024 - Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 20 (2):94–134.
    This article is a critical appraisal of the two-level model of Holger Thesleff as an interpretive paradigm for the philosophy of Plato. The primary emphasis is on the metaphysics of the model, which revolves around the idea of a single world composed of two levels. Conceived as an alternative to the dualism of worlds traditionally attributed to Plato, the levels in question complement each other in a symbiotic relationship between intelligible phenomena and sensible matter, which jointly account for the whole (...)
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  18. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Does Plato Make Room for Negative Forms in His Ontology?Necip Fikri Alican - 2017 - Cosmos and History 13 (3):154–191.
    This article questions the place of negative Forms in Plato’s ontology. And it does so against appearances to the contrary, given that Plato himself seems to acknowledge both positive Forms and negative Forms, that is to say, both good ones and bad ones. He may not say so outright, but he invokes both and rejects neither. The apparent finality of this impression is so strong that it creates a lack of direct interest in the subject: Plato scholars do not give (...)
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  19. Who Mourns for Adonais? Or, Where Have All the Gods Gone?Necip Fikri Alican - 2018 - Analysis and Metaphysics 17:38–94.
    This article explores the philosophical implications of the transition from polytheism to monotheism in our development as a rational species. The methodological vehicle employed in the critical analysis conducted is a survey of Hesiodic theogony for insight into the nature and purpose of the monotheistic platforms we have erected in its place. The aim is not so much to dispute the validity of any belief system, past or present, as it is to expose and examine the prevailing paradigms as extensions (...)
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  20. Ontological Symmetry in Plato: Formless Things and Empty Forms.Necip Fikri Alican - 2017 - Analysis and Metaphysics 16:7–51.
    This article is a study of the correspondence between Forms and particulars in Plato. Its primary purpose is to determine whether they exhibit an ontological symmetry, in other words, whether there is always one where there is the other. This points to two questions, one on the existence of things that do not have correlative Forms, the other on the existence of Forms that do not have correlative things. Both questions have come up before in the scholarly literature on Plato, (...)
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  21. What’s So Good About the Good Will? An Ontological Critique of Kant’s Axiomatic Moral Construct.Necip Fikri Alican - 2022 - Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 18 (1):422–467.
    This article questions the central role of the good will in the moral theory of Immanuel Kant. The good will, according to Kant, is the only thing that is good in itself, and therefore good without limitation or qualification. This is an objectionable claim in support of a controversial position. The problem is not just that the good will is not the only thing that is good in itself, which indeed it is not, but more importantly, that the good will (...)
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  22. Fool Me Once, Shame on You, Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me: The Alleged Prisoner’s Dilemma in Hobbes’s Social Contract.Necip Fikri Alican - 2019 - Dialogue and Universalism 29 (1):183-204.
    This article examines the social contract of Thomas Hobbes in the critical context of the prisoner’s dilemma, with the aim of demonstrating that the tenability of the former is not undermined by the gravity of the latter. The urgency of the problem is that Hobbes postulates a social contract to formalize our collective transition from the state of nature to civil society, while the prisoner’s dilemma challenges both the mechanics and the outcome of that thought experiment. The source of the (...)
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  23. Rawls’s Justification Model for Ethics: What Exactly Justifies the Model?Necip Fikri Alican - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (1):171–190.
    This article is a defense of John Rawls against recent criticism, ironically my own, though it is also a critique insofar as it addresses a problem that Rawls never does. The original charges were that Rawls’s decision procedure for ethics does not justify his own moral principles, especially those making up his liberal conception of justice, and that the underlying problem may well keep the decision procedure from justifying any moral principles whatsoever, or at least any normatively useful ones. These (...)
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  24. Angelique: An Angel in Distress, Morality in Crisis.Necip Fikri Alican - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (2):9–48.
    This article is a critical analysis of the decisive mission of Michael H. Mitias to attract attention to a neglected relationship between friendship and morality. The evaluation revolves around the position of Mitias on friendship as a central moral value constituting an integral part of the good life and therefore deserving a prominent place in ethical theory. The corresponding vision is not a whimsical intervention in our standard conception of morality but a unifying initiative to recapture the right way of (...)
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    Worshippers smoking in mosques: Violation of fatwas of ulemas and governor regulation.Watni Marpaung, Muhammad A. Adly, Rustam Rustam, Akmaluddin Syahputra, Putra A. Siregar, Syahrial Arif Hutagalung, Muhammad S. A. Nasution, Fitri Hayati, Rahmad Efendi & Dhiauddin Tanjung - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):9.
    The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has issued an illegitimate fatwa against smoking in mosques because it endangers the health of worshippers and interferes with the comfort of worshippers. This study aims to investigate smoking behaviour in mosques and violations of fatwas from ulama and governor regulations. This study follows a cross-sectional design conducted by interviewing 531 Muslims who have prayed in the mosque for the last 14 days and observed the compliance of the mosque in implementing a smoke-free policy in (...)
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  26. Rawls’s Justification Model for Ethics: What Exactly Does It Justify?Necip Fikri Alican - 2017 - Humanitas 30 (1/2):112–147.
    This article is a critique of the ethical justification model that John Rawls employs in his defense of a liberal conception of justice. Rawls is famous for two things: his attempt to ground morality in rationality and his conception of justice as fairness. His work has been resounding on both fronts, the first constituting the justificatory framework for the second. Yet from the beginning, the outcome has been more doctrinaire than the method should have allowed with design details promising objectivity. (...)
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  27. No More This than That: Skeptical Impression or Pyrrhonian Dogma?Necip Fikri Alican - 2017 - Schole 11 (1):7–60.
    This article is a defense of skepticism, specifically Pyrrhonian skepticism, against a potential complication ostensibly threatening its methodological consistency. The conflict contemplated is that the suspension of judgment based on the discovery of equipollence, which is the central highlight of skeptical investigation, is vitiated by the assent given to the equipollence discovered. The apparent difficulty has a conceptual side as well as a practical side, examined here as separate challenges with a section devoted to each. The conceptual challenge is that (...)
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  28. Book in Focus: Quine on Ethics: The Gavagai of Moral Discourse.Necip Fikri Alican - 2021 - “Book in Focus”: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    Discussion piece on a book of the same name: Quine on Ethics: The Gavagai of Moral Discourse. Published online as part of the “Book in Focus” program of Cambridge Scholars Publishing (Newcastle upon Tyne, 2021).
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  29. Mill's Principle of Utility: Origins, Proof, and Implications.Necip Fikri Alican - 2022 - Leiden and Boston: Brill.
    Mill’s Principle of Utility: Origins, Proof, and Implications is a scholarly monograph on John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism with a particular emphasis on the proof he provides for the principle of utility. Originally published as Mill’s Principle of Utility: A Defense of John Stuart Mill’s Notorious Proof (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994), the present volume is a revised and enlarged edition with additional material, tighter arguments, and updated references. The initiative is still principally an analysis, interpretation, and defense of the controversial proof, which (...)
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  30. Quine on Ethics: The Gavagai of Moral Discourse.Necip Fikri Alican - 2021 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    Quine on Ethics: The Gavagai of Moral Discourse is a comprehensive treatment of Quine’s brief yet memorable foray into ethics. It defends him against his most formidable critics, corrects misconceptions in the present reception of his outlook on morality as a social institution and ethics as a philosophical enterprise, and restores emphasis on observationality as the impetus behind his momentous intervention in ethical theory. The central focus is on Quine’s infamous challenge to ethical theory: his thesis of the methodological infirmity (...)
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    The Devil’s Advocate versus God’s Honest Truth: A Dialectical Inquiry into the Rationality of Religion.Necip Fikri Alican - 2025 - Leiden: Brill.
    The Devil’s Advocate versus God’s Honest Truth: A Dialectical Inquiry into the Rationality of Religion is a scholarly monograph exploring the rationality of religion, particularly the tenability of theism, through a dialectical analysis of reasons for belief versus grounds for suspicion. The positive perspective examines traditional proofs for the existence of God, focusing specifically on the teleological, cosmological, and ontological arguments, while the negative perspective contemplates common grounds for misgivings, concentrating especially on methodological difficulties, syncretic developments, and metaethical challenges. The (...)
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  32. A Defense of John Stuart Mill's Proof of the Principle of Utility.Necip Fikri Alican - 1994 - Dissertation, Washington University in St. Louis
    In my dissertation, I analyze, interpret, and defend John Stuart Mill's proof of the principle of utility in the fourth chapter of his Utilitarianism. My purpose is not to glorify utilitarianism, in a full sweep, as the best normative ethical theory, or even to vindicate, on a more specific level, Mill's universalistic ethical hedonism as the best form of utilitarianism. I am concerned only with Mill's utilitarianism, and primarily with his proof of the principle of utility. My overarching purpose guiding (...)
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  33. Duties and Decision-Making Guidelines for Sharī‘ah Committee: An Overview of AAOIFI.Muhammad Amanullah & Muhammad Nabil Fikri Bin Mhd Zain - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26 (2):729-748.
    The Sharī‘ah ‘Committee is a board which is independent in directing, reviewing and supervising an Islamic Financial Institution. It consists of those who are specialised in Fiqh Mu‛āmalāt or those who know it with expertise in other fields. In conjunction with IFIs emergence, the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions was established and has issued numerous standards on accounting, auditing and also governance for IFIs. The researchers intend to review the duties and decision-making guidelines of the Sharī‘ah Committee (...)
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    Teaching human rights in primary schools: Overcoming the barriers to effective practice, by Alison E. C. Struthers: Routledge, 2021, 244 pp., USD 44.05 (e-book), ISBN 9781315201719. [REVIEW]Sapikzal Pratama, Temmy Renaldi Setia Bakti & Fikri Yanda - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (1):122-124.
    While the concept of human rights is becoming more prevalent in educational policy and curricula, as well as in school subjects (Suárez, 2007), the best way to incorporate human rights in education...
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  35. Fikrī taḥrīken̲.Saʻīd Aḥmad Rafīq - 2007 - Koʼiṭah: Sol ejanṭ, Qalāt Pablisharz.
    Historical study of philosophical movements from ancient times to 19th century.
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  36. Taḍārīs fikrīyah naḥwa falsafah muḥāyithah.Ḥasan Awzāl - 2012 - [Rabat?]: [Publisher Not Identified].
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    al-Ghazw al-fikrī fī al-manāhij al-dirāsīyah: (awwalan) fī al-ʻaqīdah: fī al-radd ʻalá Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd wa-ghayrihi min muʼallifī kitābay al-Falsafah wa-al-Manṭiq lil-shahādah al-thānawīyah.ʻAlī Laban - 1987 - al-Manṣūrah, [Egypt]: Dār al-Wafāʼ.
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    Ebkār-ı Efkār: Hasbihal Of Fikrì Çelebi About Love.Ali Emre Özyildirim - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:685-703.
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  39. ʻĀm fikrī mug̲h̲ālt̤e.ʻAlī ʻAbbās Jalālpūrī - 1975
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    Bosnalı Süleyman Fikrî'nin İlm-İ Bel'gatdan Bey'n ve Bedî' Hül'sası Kitabında Mec'z-I Mürselin Detay.Abuzer Kalyon - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 12):555-555.
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    Bosnalı Süleyman Fikri'nin İlm-i Bel'gatdan Bey'n ve Bedî' Hül'sası.Abuzer Kalyon - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 16):741-741.
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  42. Taḥavvulāt-i fikrī dar Īrān.Mūsá Birūkhīm - 1957
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    Guzīnish-i fikrī dar falsafah.Ibrāhīmī Dīnānī & Ghulām Ḥusayn - 2020 - Tihrān: Nūr-i Sukhan. Edited by Ḥusayn Karīmʹābādī & Amīr Ismāʻīlī.
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    Ėḣëi fikri dinī dar Islom.Muhammad Iqbal - 2010 - Dushanbe: ĖR-graf.
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    al-Usus al-fikrīyah wa-al-manhajīyah fī al-falsafah al-Islāmīyah al-muʻaṣirah: namūdhaj Muḥammad ʻUthmān al-Khisht.Maḥmūd Kishānah - 2014 - [Cairo]: Rahaf lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    al-Amn al-fikrī: masʼūlīyah usarīyah wa-mahām tarbawīyah.ḤUṣṣAh Bint ʻabd Al-RaḥMāN WāYilī - 2014 - al-Riyāḍ: Ḥuṣṣah ʻAbd al-Raḥman al-Wāylī.
    Islamic education; Islamic ethics; security education; culture conflict; influences; families; Saudi Arabia; intellectual life; 20th century.
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  47. Qirāʼāt fikrīyah siyāsīyah.Hāshim Niʻmah Fayyāḍ - 2022 - Baghdād: Ahwār lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  48. al-Usus al-fikrīyah lil-tanmiyah al-mustadāmah fī al-aydiyūlūjiyā al-Islāmīyah al-muʻāṣirah.ʻAbd al-Amīr Kāẓim Zāhid Mayyāḥī - 2020 - al-Najaf al-Ashraf, al-ʻIrāq: Markaz ʻAyn lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Buḥūth al-Muʻāṣirah.
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    Fıkıh Usûlünün Yenilenmesi Tartışmalarında Fikrî ve Felsefî Yaklaşım.Seracettin Eraydin - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (2):1383-1410.
    İslam hukuku tarihine baktığımızda fıkıh usûlünün bir süreç içerisinde geliştiğini söylemek mümkündür. Bu süreç içerisinde, mezhep imamları de-diğimiz müçtehitler başta olmak üzere birçok âlimin, fıkıh usûlü ilminin yapısını oluşturan katkılarından bahsedilebilir. Örneğin İmam Ebû Hanîfe’nin istihsana başvurması, İmam Mâlik’in amel-i ehli Medine ile amel etmesi ve İmam Şafiî’nin hem Ehl-i rey hem de Ehl-i hadisin fıkhını mezcederek elde ettiği formasyonla “er-Risâle” adlı eserinde bir usûl ortaya koyması fıkıh usûlü ilminin yapısını oluşturan katkıların başında gelmektedir. Bu katkıların yanında özellikle mezheplerin kurumsallaştığı (...)
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  50. al-ʻAṭāʼ al-fikrī li-Abī al-Walīd ibn Rushd: waqāʼiʻ al-ḥalqah al-dirāsīyah allatī ʻuqidat fī ḥaram Jāmiʻat Āl al-Bayt fī al-Mafriq / al-Urdun bi-tārīkh 29 Rajab 1419 H al-muwāfiq la-hu 18 Tishrīn Thānī 1998 M.Fatḥī Ḥasan Malkāwī & ʻAzmī Ṭāhā al-Sayyid Aḥmad (eds.) - 1999 - ʻAmmān: al-Maʻhad al-ʻĀlamī lil-Fikr al-Islāmī.
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